January 4, 2025 – January 5, 2025
International competition, BVF selection event and part of the EVF Circuit in Foil, Epee and Sabre.
Download the information sheet here >>>
Check in closes for ME1, ME2, WE1, WE2 at 0800am, fencing to start at 0830am. All separate events.
Check in closes for ME3, ME4, WE3, WE4 at 12.30pm, fencing to start at 1300. All separate events.
- Check in closes for the following at 08.30am fencing to start at 0900:
- MF1, MF2, separate events
- WF1 & 2 combined,
- WS3 & 4 combined.
- For MS 3 &4 combined, check in closes at 0930am, fencing to start at 1000am
Check in closes at 1300, fencing to start at 1330
MF3 & 4 combined,
WF 3 & 4 combined,
MS 1 & 2 combined,
WS 1 & 2 combined.
Please note EVF entry regulation for EVF Championships which also applies to Circuit events:
Particular case of Russia and Belarus :
At the Congress 2023, the EVF has decided to disallow entry of Russian or Belarussian participants into EVF Championships. This ban stays in effect until the Congress or the Board decides it is no longer warranted.
The EVF does not recognise “neutral” status.
Participants with multiple nationalities with at least one not being Russian or Belarussian can still enter
BF Licence:
ID: #39558
Start Date: 2025-01-03
End Date: 2025-01-05